Source code for gpxity.backends.gpsies

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2018 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
# See LICENSE for details.

This implements :class:`gpxity.GPSIES` for

so ginge das mit dem API-Key:


# pylint: disable=protected-access

from html.parser import HTMLParser
import datetime
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import requests

from .. import Backend, Track

__all__ = ['GPSIES']

class GPSIESRawTrack:

    """raw data from the gpies html page."""

    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    def __init__(self):
        """See class docstring."""
        self.track_id = None
        self.title = None
        self.time = None
        self.distance = None
        self.public = True

class ParseGPSIESCategories(HTMLParser):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method

    """Parse the legal values for category from html."""

    def __init__(self):
        """See class docstring."""
        super(ParseGPSIESCategories, self).__init__()
        self.result = list(['biking'])

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        """starttag from the parser."""
        attributes = dict(attrs)
        if tag == 'input' and attributes['name'] == 'trackTypes':
            _ = attributes['id']
            if _ not in self.result:

class ParseGPIESEditPage(HTMLParser):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method

    """Parse the category value for a track from html."""

    def __init__(self):
        """See class docstring."""
        super(ParseGPIESEditPage, self).__init__()
        self.category = None

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        """starttag from the parser."""
        attributes = dict(attrs)
        if tag == 'input' and attributes['name'] == 'trackTypes' and 'checked' in attributes:
            self.category = attributes['id']

class ParseGPSIESList(HTMLParser):  # pylint: disable=abstract-method

    """get some attributes available only on the web page.

    Of course, this is highly unreliable. Just use what we can get."""

    def __init__(self):
        """See class docstring."""
        super(ParseGPSIESList, self).__init__()
        self.result = dict()
        self.result['tracks'] = list()
        self.track = None
        self.column = 0
        self.current_tag = None
        self.seeing_list = False
        self.after_list = False
        self.seeing_a = False
        self.seeing_warning = False

    def feed(self, data):
        """get data."""
        self.track = None
        self.column = 0
        self.current_tag = None
        self.seeing_list = False
        self.after_list = False
        self.seeing_a = False
        self.seeing_warning = False
        super(ParseGPSIESList, self).feed(data)

    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        """starttag from the parser."""
        self.current_tag = tag
        attributes = defaultdict(str)
        for key, value in attrs:
            attributes[key] = value
        if tag == 'div' and 'alert-warning' in attributes['class']:
            self.seeing_warning = True
        if tag == 'tbody':
            self.seeing_list = True
        if not self.seeing_list:
        if tag == 'tr':
            self.track = GPSIESRawTrack()
            self.column = 0
            self.seeing_a = False
        elif tag == 'td':
            self.column += 1
        elif self.after_list and tag == 'a':
            self.seeing_a = True
            value = attributes['value'].strip()
        elif tag == 'a' and 'href' in attributes and self.track.track_id is None:
            self.track.track_id = attributes['href'].split('fileId=')[1]
        elif tag == 'img' and self.track and 'lock.png' in attributes['src']:
            self.track.public = False

    def handle_endtag(self, tag):
        """handle end of track list."""
        if tag == 'tbody':
            self.seeing_list = False
            self.after_list = True

    def handle_data(self, data):
        """data from the parser."""
        data = data.strip()
        if not data:
        if self.seeing_warning:
            raise GPSIES.BackendException(data)

        if self.seeing_list:
            if self.column == 3:
                if self.current_tag == 'i' and self.track.title is None:
                    self.track.title = data
            elif self.column == 4:
                if data.endswith('km'):
                    self.track.distance = float(data.replace(' km', '').replace(',', ''))
            elif self.column == 5:
                self.track.time = datetime.datetime.strptime(data, '%m/%d/%y')

[docs]class GPSIES(Backend): """The implementation for The track ident is the fileId given by gpsies. Searching arbitrary tracks is not supported. GPSIES only looks at the tracks of a specific user. GPSIES does not support keywords. If you upload a track with keywords, they will silently be ignored. Args: url (str): The Url of the server. Default is auth (tuple(str, str)): Username and password cleanup (bool): If True, :meth:`~gpxity.Backend.destroy` will remove all tracks in the user account. timeout: If None, there are no timeouts: Gpxity waits forever. For legal values see """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method _default_description = 'None yet. Let everyone know how you got on.' legal_categories = ( 'biking', 'trekking', 'walking', 'jogging', 'climbing', 'racingbike', 'mountainbiking', 'pedelec', 'skating', 'crossskating', 'handcycle', 'motorbiking', 'motocross', 'motorhome', 'cabriolet', 'car', 'riding', 'coach', 'packAnimalTrekking', 'swimming', 'canoeing', 'sailing', 'boating', 'motorboat', 'skiingNordic', 'skiingAlpine', 'skiingRandonnee', 'snowshoe', 'wintersports', 'flying', 'train', 'sightseeing', 'geocaching', 'miscellaneous') _category_decoding = { 'biking': 'Cycling', 'boating': 'Rowing', 'car': 'Driving', 'climbing': 'Mountaineering', 'geocaching': 'Miscellaneous', 'jogging': 'Running', 'motocross': 'Enduro', 'motorbiking': 'Motorcycling', 'motorboat': 'Powerboating', 'mountainbiking': 'Mountain biking', 'packAnimalTrekking': 'Pack animal trekking', 'racingbike': 'Cycling', 'riding': 'Horse riding', 'sightseeing': 'Miscellaneous', 'skiingAlpine': 'Skiing', 'skiingNordic': 'Cross country skiing', 'skiingRandonnee': 'Skiing', 'snowshoe': 'Snowshoeing', 'trekking': 'Hiking', 'wintersports': 'Miscellaneous', } _category_encoding = { 'Cross country skiing': 'skiingNordic', 'Cycling': 'biking', 'Driving': 'car', 'Enduro': 'motocross', 'Gliding': 'flying', 'Hang gliding': 'flying', 'Hiking': 'trekking', 'Horse riding': 'riding', 'Hot air ballooning': 'flying', 'Indoor cycling': 'biking', 'Jet skiing': 'motorboat', 'Kayaking': 'boating', 'Kiteboarding': 'sailing', 'Motor racing': 'motorbiking', 'Motorcycling': 'motorbiking', 'Mountain biking': 'mountainbiking', 'Mountaineering': 'climbing', 'Nordic walking': 'walking', 'Off road driving': 'car', 'Orienteering': 'jogging', 'Pack animal trekking': 'packAnimalTrekking', 'Paragliding': 'flying', 'Powerboating': 'motorboat', 'Rowing': 'boating', 'Running': 'jogging', 'Sea kayaking': 'boating', 'Skateboarding': 'skating', 'Skiing': 'skiingAlpine', 'Snowboarding': 'wintersports', 'Snowshoeing': 'snowshoe', 'Stand up paddle boarding': 'boating', 'Windsurfing': 'sailing', } default_url = '' def __init__(self, url=None, auth=None, cleanup=False, timeout=None): """See class docstring.""" if url is None: url = self.default_url super(GPSIES, self).__init__(url, auth, cleanup, timeout) self.session_response = None def _download_legal_categories(self): """Needed only for unittest. Returns: list(str) all legal values for category. """ response ='{}?'.format(self.url), timeout=self.timeout) category_parser = ParseGPSIESCategories() category_parser.feed(response.text) return sorted(category_parser.result) @property def session(self): """The requests.Session for this backend. Only initialized once. Returns: The session """ ident = str(self) if ident not in self._session: if not self.config.username or not self.config.password: raise self.BackendException('{}: Needs authentication data'.format(self.url)) self._session[ident] = requests.Session() data = {'username': self.config.username, 'password': self.config.password} self.session_response = self._session[ident].post( '{}/'.format(self.url), data=data, timeout=self.timeout) self._check_response(self.session_response) cookies = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(self._session[ident].cookies) cookies['cookieconsent_dismissed'] = 'yes' self._session[ident].cookies = requests.utils.cookiejar_from_dict(cookies) return self._session[ident] def __post(self, action: str, data, files=None): """common code for a POST within the session. Returns: the response """ for key in data: data[key] = self._html_encode(data[key]) if data.get('fileDescription'): data['fileDescription'] = '<p>{}</p>'.format(data['fileDescription']) response ='{}/{}.do'.format(self.url, action), data=data, files=files, timeout=self.timeout) self._check_response(response) return response
[docs] def decode_category(self, value: str) ->str: """Translate the value from Gpsies into internal one. Returns: The decoded name """ if value.capitalize() in Track.legal_categories: return value.capitalize() if value not in self._category_decoding: raise self.BackendException('Gpsies gave us an unknown track type {}'.format(value)) return self._category_decoding[value]
[docs] def encode_category(self, value: str) ->str: """Translate internal value into Gpsies value. Returns: The encoded name """ if value in self.legal_categories: return value if value.lower() in self.legal_categories: return value.lower() if value not in self._category_encoding: raise self.BackendException('Gpsies has no equivalent for {}'.format(value)) return self._category_encoding[value]
def _write_category(self, track): """change category on gpsies.""" self._edit(track) def _write_description(self, track): """change description on gpsies.""" self._edit(track) def _write_title(self, track): """change title on gpsies.""" self._edit(track) def _write_public(self, track): """change public on gpsies.""" self._edit(track) def _edit(self, track): """edit directly on gpsies.""" self._current_track = track assert track.id_in_backend data = { 'edit': '', 'fileDescription': track.description, 'fileId': track.id_in_backend, 'filename': track.title, 'status': '1' if track.public else '3', 'trackTypes': self.encode_category(track.category), 'websiteUrl': ''} # in about 1 out of 10 cases this update does not work. # Doing that on the website with firefox shows the same problem. # So reload and compare until both are identical. copy = track.clone() copy.id_in_backend = track.id_in_backend ctr = 0 while True: self.__post('editTrack', data) self._read_all(copy) if track.description != copy.description: msg = 'description: {} -> {}'.format(copy.description, track.description) elif track.title != copy.title: msg = 'title: {} -> {}'.format(copy.title, track.title) elif track.public != copy.public: msg = 'public: {} -> {}'.format(copy.public, track.public) elif self.encode_category(track.category) != self.encode_category(copy.category): msg = 'category: {}/{} -> {}/{}'.format( copy.category, self.encode_category(copy.category), track.category, self.encode_category(track.category)) else: return ctr += 1 time.sleep(1) if ctr > 50: raise Backend.BackendException( 'GPSIES: _edit fails to change track {}: {}'.format(track, msg)) time.sleep(2) def _yield_tracks(self): """get all tracks for this user.""" data = {'username': self.config.username} response = self.__post('trackList', data=data) page_parser = ParseGPSIESList() page_parser.feed(response.text) hrefs = [] for line in response.text.split('\n'): if 'pagination' in line: hrefs = [x for x in line.split(' ') if x.startswith('href')] for href in hrefs[2:-2]: href = href[1:-1] # remove apostrophes parts = ''.join(href.split('?')[1:]) parts = parts.split('&amp;') data = dict(x.split('=') for x in parts) # noqa response = self.__post('userList', data=data) page_parser.feed(response.text) for raw_data in page_parser.result['tracks']: track = self._found_track(raw_data.track_id) track._header_data['title'] = raw_data.title track._header_data['time'] = raw_data.time if raw_data.distance: track._header_data['distance'] = raw_data.distance track._header_data['public'] = raw_data.public if str(self) not in self._session: # anonymous, no login track.public = True yield track def _read_category(self, track): """I found no way to download all attributes in one go.""" self._current_track = track data = {'fileId': track.id_in_backend} response = self.__post('editTrack', data) page_parser = ParseGPIESEditPage() page_parser.feed(response.text) track.category = self.decode_category(page_parser.category) def _read_all(self, track): """get the entire track. For gpies, we only need the gpx file.""" self._current_track = track data = {'fileId': track.id_in_backend, 'keepOriginalTimestamps': 'true'} response = self.__post('download', data=data) track.parse(response.text) # in Track, the results of a full load override _header_data if 'public' in track._header_data: # _header_data is empty if this is a new track we just wrote _ = track._header_data['public'] del track._header_data['public'] track.public = _ self._read_category(track) def _check_response(self, response): """are there error messages?.""" if response.status_code != 200: raise self.BackendException(response.text) if 'alert-danger' in response.text: _ = response.text.split('alert-danger">')[1].split('</div>')[0].strip() if '<li>' in _: _ = _.split('<li>')[1].split('</li>')[0] raise self.BackendException('{}: {}'.format(self._current_track, _)) if 'alert-warning' in response.text: _ = response.text.split('alert-warning">')[1].split('<')[0].strip() ignore_messages = ( 'This track is deleted and only shown by a direct URL call.', 'Track is not public, can be seen only by me', 'GPSies is my hobby website and is funded by advertising' ) if not any(x in _ for x in ignore_messages): self.logger.warning('%s: %s', self._current_track, _) def _remove_ident(self, ident: str): """remove on the server.""" data = { 'delete': '', 'fileDescription': 'n/a', 'fileId': ident, 'filename': 'n/a', 'status': '1', 'trackTypes': 'racingbike', 'websiteUrl': ''} self.__post('editTrack', data=data) def _write_all(self, track) ->str: """save full gpx track on the GPSIES server. Returns: The new id_in_backend """ self._current_track = track files = {'formFile': ( '{}.gpx'.format(self._html_encode(track.title)), track.to_xml(), 'application/gpx+xml')} data = { 'fileDescription': track.description, 'filename': track.title, 'status': '1' if track.public else '3', 'trackClassification': 'withoutClassification', 'trackSimplification': '0', 'trackTypes': self.encode_category(track.category), 'uploadButton': ''} response = self.__post('upload', files=files, data=data) if 'Created' not in response.text: # not created raise self.BackendException('{}: {}'.format(self._current_track, response.text)) new_ident = None for line in response.text.split('\n'): if 'fileId=' in line: new_ident = line.split('fileId=')[1].split('"')[0] break if not new_ident: raise self.BackendException('No fileId= found in response') if track.id_in_backend and track.id_in_backend != new_ident: self._remove_ident(track.id_in_backend) track.id_in_backend = new_ident return new_ident
[docs] def destroy(self): """also close session.""" super(GPSIES, self).destroy() if self.session: self.session.close()
@classmethod def _define_support(cls): """GPSIES special case.""" super(GPSIES, cls)._define_support() cls.supported.remove('keywords')