Source code for gpxity.backends.mailer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
# See LICENSE for details.

"""This implements :class:`gpxity.mailer.Mailer`: a mailing backend. It can only write."""

# pylint: disable=protected-access

import datetime
from threading import Timer
import smtplib
import socket
import logging
from email.message import EmailMessage

from .. import Backend

__all__ = ['Mailer']

class MailQueue:

    """Holds all data representing a sent mail."""

    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods

    counter = 0

    def __init__(self, mailer):
        """See class docstring."""
        self.mailer = mailer
        self.disabled = False
        self.gpxfiles = dict()
        self.last_sent_time = - datetime.timedelta(days=5)

    def append(self, gpxfile):
        """Append a gpxfile to the mailing queue."""
        self.gpxfiles[gpxfile.id_in_backend] = gpxfile.clone()
        if hasattr(gpxfile, 'mail_subject'):
            self.gpxfiles[gpxfile.id_in_backend].mail_subject = gpxfile.mail_subject

    def subject(self, gpxfile=None) ->str:
        """Build the mail subject.

            gpxfile: If given, use only gpxfile. Otherwise use self.gpxfiles

            The subject

        if len(self.gpxfiles) == 1:
            for _ in self.gpxfiles.values():
                gpxfile = _
        if gpxfile is not None:
            subject = gpxfile.mail_subject if hasattr(gpxfile, 'mail_subject') else gpxfile.title
            return self.mailer.subject_template.format(
                title=subject, distance='{:8.3f}km'.format(gpxfile.distance))
        return '{} gpxfiles'.format(len(self.gpxfiles))

    def content(self) ->str:
        """The content of the mail message.

        Returns: list
            The content, a list with lines

        is_single = len(self.gpxfiles) == 1
        result = list()
        for key, gpxfile in self.gpxfiles.items():
            if not key.endswith('.gpx'):
                key += '.gpx'
            if is_single:
                result.append('See the attached GPX file {}'.format(key))
                indent = '   '
                result.append('{}See the attached GPX file {}'.format(indent, key))
                result.append('{}{}'.format(indent, gpxfile.description))
        return result

    def send(self):
        """Actually send the mail."""
        if not self.gpxfiles:
        if self.disabled:
            self.gpxfiles = dict()
        account = self.mailer.account
        mail = EmailMessage()
        mail['subject'] = self.subject()
        mail['from'] = account.mailfrom or 'gpxity'
        mail['to'] = account.url.split()

        for key, gpxfile in self.gpxfiles.items():
            if not key.endswith('.gpx'):
                key += '.gpx'
            mail.add_attachment(gpxfile.xml(), filename=key)
        host = account.smtp or 'localhost'
        port = int(account.port or '25')
        timeout = self.mailer.timeout
        if isinstance(timeout, (tuple, list)):
            timeout = timeout[0]
            with smtplib.SMTP(  # noqa
                    timeout=timeout) as smtp_server:
        except socket.timeout:
            logging.error('Mailer: Disabled because the smtp server %s:%d did not answer within %d seconds ',
                          host, port, self.mailer.timeout)
            self.disabled = True
        except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused as exc:
            logging.error('Mailer: Disabled because some Recipients are refused: %s', exc.recipients)
            self.disabled = True
        self.last_sent_time =
        self.mailer.history.append('to {}: {}'.format(mail['to'], mail['subject']))
        self.gpxfiles = dict()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return repr."""
        return 'MailQueue({} to {}'.format(', '.join(str(x) for x in self.gpxfiles.values()), self.mailer.url)  # noqa

[docs]class Mailer(Backend): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Mailing backend. Write-only. Attributes: subject_template: This builds the mail subject. {title} and {distance} will be replaced by their respective values. Other placeholders are not yet defined. url: Holds the address of the recipient. account.mailfrom: The name of the mail sender. Default "gpxity". account.port: The port of the smtp server to talk to. Default 25 account.smtp: The name of the smtp server. Default "localhost". account.interval (str): seconds. Mails are not sent more often. Default is None. If None, always send when Mailer.flush() is called. This is used for bundling several writes into one single mail: gpxdo merge --copy will send all gpxfiles with one single mail. Lifetracking uses this to send mails with the current gpxfile only every X seconds, the mail will only contain the latest version of the gpxfile. """ id_count = 0 test_is_expensive = False accepts_zero_points = True def __init__(self, account): """See class docstring.""" super(Mailer, self).__init__(account) self.history = list() self.subject_template = '{title} {distance}' self.timer = None self.queue = MailQueue(self) def _new_ident(self, _) ->str: """Build a unique id for gpxfile. Returns: A new unique id. """ self.id_count += 1 return str(self.id_count) def _write_all(self, gpxfile) ->str: """Mail the gpxfile. Returns: gpxfile.id_in_backend """ if gpxfile.id_in_backend is None: new_ident = self._new_ident(gpxfile) with gpxfile._decouple(): gpxfile.id_in_backend = new_ident self.queue.append(gpxfile) if self.account.interval is not None: seconds = int(self.account.interval) if self.queue.last_sent_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) < self.queue.send() else: self._start_timer() return gpxfile.id_in_backend
[docs] def detach(self): """Mail the rest.""" if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.queue.send()
[docs] def flush(self): """Now is the time to write.""" # this dict reduces all gpxfiles to just one instance self.queue.send() if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None
def _start_timer(self, interval=None): """Start the flush timer.""" if self.timer is None: if interval is None: interval = int(self.account.interval) self.timer = Timer(interval, self.flush) self.timer.start() def _lifetrack_start(self, gpxfile, points) ->str: """flush. Returns: The new id_in_backend. """ gpxfile.mail_subject = 'Lifetracking starts: {}'.format(gpxfile.title) new_ident = self._write_all(gpxfile) self._append(gpxfile) assert self._has_item(new_ident), '{} not in {}'.format(new_ident, self) self.flush() return new_ident def _lifetrack_update(self, gpxfile, points): """flush.""" gpxfile.mail_subject = 'Lifetracking continues: {}'.format(gpxfile.title) self._write_all(gpxfile) def _lifetrack_end(self, gpxfile): """flush.""" gpxfile.mail_subject = 'Lifetracking ends: {}'.format(gpxfile.title) self._write_all(gpxfile) self.flush() def __str__(self) ->str: """A unique identifier. Returns: the unique identifier """ return 'mailto:{}'.format(self.url)