Source code for gpxity.lifetrack

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2019 Wolfgang Rohdewald <>
# See LICENSE for details.

"""This module defines :class:`~gpxity.lifetrack.Lifetrack`."""

# pylint: disable=protected-access

import datetime
import logging

from .gpxfile import GpxFile
from .backend_base import BackendBase

__all__ = ['Lifetrack']

class LifetrackTarget:

    """A single target of a lifetracking instance."""

    def __init__(self, lifetrack, backend, use_id=None):
        """See class docstring."""
        self.lifetrack = lifetrack
        self.backend = backend
        if use_id in backend:
            existing_track = backend[use_id]
            self.gpxfile = existing_track.clone()
            self.gpxfile.id_in_backend = use_id
            self.gpxfile = GpxFile()
            self.gpxfile.id_in_backend = use_id
        self.started = False
        assert not self.gpxfile.backend, 'TrackerTarget.gpxfile {} has backend {}'.format(
            self.gpxfile, self.gpxfile.backend)
        assert self.gpxfile.gpx.is_complete

    def tracker_id(self):
        """For messages.

        Returns: The id for this tracker.

        return self.lifetrack.targets[0].gpxfile.id_in_backend

    def update_tracker(self, points) ->str:
        """Update lifetrack into a specific gpxfile.

            the new id_in_backend if not yet started else None.
            If the backend fences away all points, also return None.

        if not points:
            if not self.started:
                raise Exception('Lifetrack {} needs initial points'.format(self.tracker_id))
            raise Exception('Lifetrack {}: update_tracker needs points'.format(self.tracker_id))
        new_ident = None
        points = self._prepare_points(points)
        if not self.started:
            if points or self.backend.accepts_zero_points:
                new_ident = self.backend._lifetrack_start(self.gpxfile, points)
                assert new_ident
                self.gpxfile.id_in_backend = new_ident
      'Lifetrack %s tracks into %s', self.tracker_id, self.identifier())
                self.started = True
        elif points:
            self.backend._lifetrack_update(self.gpxfile, points)
        assert not self.gpxfile.backend, 'LifetrackTarget.gpxfile {} has backend {}'.format(
            self.gpxfile, self.gpxfile.backend)
        return new_ident

    def end(self):
        """End lifetracking for a specific backend.
        Because of fencing, lifetracking may not even have started."""
        if self.gpxfile.point_list() or self.backend.accepts_zero_points:

    def __point_tuple(point):
        """For use in  a set.

        Returns: a tuple

        return (point.latitude, point.longitude, point.time)

    def _prepare_points(self, points):
        """Round points. Remove those within fences and duplicates.

        Returns (list):
            The prepared points

        result = [x for x in points if self.backend.account.fences.outside(x)]
        if len(result) < len(points):
                "Target %s Fences removed %d out of %d points",
                self.backend.account, len(points) - len(result), len(points))
        have = {self.__point_tuple(x) for x in self.gpxfile.point_list()[-len(points) * 2:]}  # noqa
        result2 = [x for x in result if self.__point_tuple(x) not in have]
        if len(result) > len(result2):
  'Target %s ignored %s resent points', self.backend.account, len(result) - len(result2))
        return result2

    def identifier(self):
        """Like GpxFile.identifier. But here the GpxFile has no backend.

        Returns: str

        return '{}{}'.format(self.backend.account, self.gpxfile.id_in_backend)

[docs]class Lifetrack: """Life tracking. The data will be forwarded to all given backends. Args: sender_ip: The IP of the client. target_backends (list): Those gpxfiles will receive the lifetracking data. tracker _id: The id for this Lifetrack instance. Attributes: done: Will be True after end() has been called. """ def __init__(self, sender_ip, target_backends, tracker_id: str = None): """See class docstring.""" assert sender_ip is not None self.done = False self.sender_ip = sender_ip main_target = LifetrackTarget(self, target_backends[0], tracker_id) self.targets = [main_target] other_ids = set(main_target.gpxfile.ids)'Lifetrack.init for %s found other_ids %s', main_target.identifier(), other_ids) for other_backend in target_backends[1:]: for try_this in other_ids:'try_this %s', try_this) acc, ident = BackendBase.parse_objectname(try_this) if str(acc) == str(other_backend.account): self.targets.append(LifetrackTarget(self, other_backend, ident)) break else:'%s: found no existing track for %s in main ids %s', self, other_backend, other_ids) self.targets.append(LifetrackTarget(self, other_backend, None))
[docs] def tracker_id(self) ->str: """Identify this Lifetrack instance. Returns: str """ try: return self.targets[0].gpxfile.id_in_backend except BaseException as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.debug('tracker_id said %s', exc)
[docs] def start(self, points, title=None, public=None, category=None): """Start lifetracking. Returns: The id for this tracker to be given to the client """ if title is None: title = str([:16] if public is None: public = False for _ in self.targets: with _.gpxfile._decouple(): # decouple because the _life* methods will put data into the backend _.gpxfile.title = title _.gpxfile.public = public _.gpxfile.category = category _.started = _.gpxfile.id_in_backend is not None self.update_trackers(points) return self.tracker_id()
[docs] def update_trackers(self, points): """Start or update lifetrack. If the backend does not support lifetrack, this just saves the gpxfile in the backend. Args: points(list): New points """ for _ in self.targets: _.update_tracker(points) # All secondary targets must be linked to the primary one. # Only the primary target is granted to exist when tracking starts. main_target = self.targets[0] main = main_target.backend[main_target.gpxfile.id_in_backend] with main.batch_changes(): for secondary in self.targets[1:]: if secondary.started: secondary_id = secondary.identifier() if secondary_id not in main.ids: new_ids = main.ids new_ids.append(secondary_id) main.ids = new_ids
[docs] def end(self): """End lifetrack. If the backend does not support lifetrack, this does nothing.""" for _ in self.targets: _.end() self.done = True
def __str__(self): # noqa return 'Lifetrack({} plus {}{})'.format( self.tracker_id(), self.targets[0].gpxfile.ids, ': done' if self.done else '') def __repr__(self): # noqa return str(self)